(Established by the State Legislature Act No.21 of 1969)
GT Road, Amritsar, Punajb India
Advertisement No. 10/2007
Applications are invited for the following posts on the prescribed application form so as to reach latest by 05/11/2007. The application form may be obtained either personally from the Cashier, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar on payment of Rs. 150/- for posts at Sr. No. 1 to 4 and Rs. 100/- for others at the Counter OR by post from the Assistant Registrar (General) by making a written request accompanied by a self addressed stamped (worth Rs. 10/- ) envelope of 23x10 cms. alongwith a Demand Draft for Rs. 150/- for posts at Sr. No. 1 to 4 and Rs. 100/- for others drawn in favour of the ‘REGISTRAR, GURU NANAK DEV UNIVERSITY’ payable at Amritsar:
- Professor-cum-Director (Specialization: Dalit Studies) - 1 Pay Scale : Rs.16400-22400
- Reader-cum-Deputy Director (Specialization: Literature & Society with an evidence of
research in the area of caste exclusion Literature/Sociology) , Pay Scale : Rs. 12000-18300 - Lecturer-cum-Assistant Director - 3 (Specialization: (Psychology-1: Research Methodology/ Exclusion & Identity, Sociology-1: Religious Minorities & Exclusion/ Caste Exclusion, Pol. Science-1: Migrants & Politics), Pay Scale : Rs. 8000-13500
- Research Associate - 1 , Pay: Rs. 12000/- p.m. (fixed) + HRA)
- Research Assistants - 2, Pay Scale : Rs. 5480-8925
- Professional Assistant - 1, Pay Scale : Rs. 5800-9200
- Data Entry Operator - 1, Pay Scale : Rs. 5000-8100
- Library Attendant - 1, Pay Scale : Rs. 2520-4140
- Attendant - 1, Pay Scale : Rs. 2520-4140
For further details and essential qualifications and application form , get the information from the university website at http://www.gndu.ac.in/careerwithus.asp. The last date of receipt of application is 05/11/2007.