Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand)
Appointment to Faculty Positions
Advertisement No.Estt.(A)/1592/A-86 (12/2008)
The Institute invites applications from Indian Nationals for areound 100 Faculty positions in carious Departments/Centres at the levels of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. Candidates net meeting the requirements of position of Assistant Professor may also be considered for appointment as Lecturer on contract. Vacancy exists in these departments/centres :
- Architecture & Planning
- Bio-Technology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Earth Sciences
- Earthquake Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics & Computer Engineering
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Hydrology
- Management Studies
- Mathematics
- Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
- Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Paper Technology
- Physics
- Water Resources Development & Management
- Alternate Hydro Energy Centre
- Institute Computer Centre
- Institute Instrumentation Centre
Designations and pay scales are as follows :
(i) Professor (Rs.18400-500-22400);
(ii) Associate Professor (Rs. 16400-450-20000);
(iii) Assistant Professor (Rs. 12000-420-18300)
(i) Professor (Rs.18400-500-22400);
(ii) Associate Professor (Rs. 16400-450-20000);
(iii) Assistant Professor (Rs. 12000-420-18300)
Reservation policy as per Govt. of India rules.
The details about the qualifications and Experience and the requirements in terms of various areas of specialisation etc. for the various posts can be seen at . Interested candidates may apply on the prescribed application form which may be either downloaded from the website or obtain from the Dy. Registrar (Admin.), IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 by sending a self-addressed stamped (Rs.10/- or Rs.27/- if required by registered post) envelope size 10"x4"
The completed application should reach to Deputy Registrar (Admn.), IIT Rookee, Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand) upto 16/02/2009.
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