(A Government of India Enterprise)
Regd. Office : 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai - 400020.
Special Recruitment Drive for SC / ST / OBC Classess
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is a leading “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise engaged in Refining, Distribution and Marketing of Petroleum Products. HPCL invites application from SC/ ST/ OBC category candiddates fill in the following entry level positions of Officer Trainee in Management Cadre at various places in the country :
- Officer Trainee (Engineering) : 67 posts, Qualification : Four year full time Degree in Engineering / Technology in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical and Electronics and Telecommunication), Age : 25 years, relexation for age as per rules for researved category.
Selection Process: Candidates fulfilling all of the above criteria will be eligible for appearing for Written Test (objective type consisting of two parts - General Aptitude and Academic Knowledge). The candidates will be called for the Personal Interview in order of their merit in the Written Test
Fee : General and OBC candidates are required to send a NON-REFUNDABLE crossed Demand Draft for Rs.500/- as Application Fee drawn on “HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED” payable at Mumbai. Candidates must write their name, discipline and application no. on the reverse of Demand Draft.
How to Apply : Apply online only on http://jobs.hpcl.co.in/. Online submission of the application will be allowed on the website upto 23rd April, 2007. Only online application and no other mean/mode of the application shall be accepted.
For further information kindly visit http://jobs.hpc.co.in/ website.