Kolhapur, Maharashtra (INDIA)
Teaching Advertisement No: 5,6,&7/2007
Applications are invited in the prescribed form for the following teaching posts to be filled in, in the Shivaji University at Kolhapur:
Advertisement N0: 5/2007:
- Professor : 5 Posts
- Reader : 3 Posts
- Lecturer : 7 Posts
- Deatils available at http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/Advt%20pg%205%202007.doc
Advertisement No 6/2007 (Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST)
- Professors : 7 Posts
- Reader : 4 posts
- Lecturers : 16 posts
- Details available on http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/Advt%20pg%206%202007.doc
Advertisement No 7/2007 (Special recruitment Drive for PH candidates)
- Professor : 11 posts (General Vacancy also)
- Reader : 7 posts (General Vacancy also)
- Lecturer : 9 posts (General Vacancy also)
- Details available at http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/RevAdvt%20pg%207%202007.doc
The application forms available on the university website which can be downloaded and filled on the computer and print-outs on A4 size papers, in 12 copies duly completed can be sent to the Registrar, Shivaji University. However a D.D. of Rs. 300/- for open post and Rs. 150/- for reserved post drawn in favour of the Finance and Accounts Officer, Shivaji University, Kolhapur payable at Kolhapur Branch should accompany the Application forms. The application alongwith the attested copies of relevant documents enclosed to each copy of the application should be sent to the Registrar, Shivaji University, Vidyanagar, Kolhapur - 416004 so as to reach him on or before 26th June 2007.
Application Form is available at http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/Application%20form.doc
Further details like Pay Scale, age etc. available at http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/RefToAdvt567.doc