(A Government of India Enterprise)
Duliajan - 786602, Assam
Oil India Limited (Oil) is a premier Public Sector Company engaged in Exploration, Development, Production, transportation of Crude Oil and Natural Gas and Production of LPG. The company has operations in India and abroad. Oil India invites applications from Indian nationals to fill up the
following posts :
- Executive Trainee (Civil Engineering) , Stipend : Rs.16500/-, Age : 30 years, Qualification : BE (Civil) or Equivalent
Executive Trainees will have to undergo a minimum of one year training which issubject to extension based on his/her performance. On completion of training the Executive Trainees will be assessed for absorption in regular Executive Grade B in the pay scale of Rs. 12000 - 17500 of the Company.
Application Format : Candidates fulfilling the criteria should submit their applications along with a recent passport size photograph giving details in the following sequence : (1) Post Code Number (2) Post Applied for (3) Name in Capital Letters, (4) Parent’s Name, (5) Address for communication, (6) State of Domicile (7) Nearest Railway Station (8) Date of Birth, (9) Whether SC/ ST/ OBC(NCL)/ PH/ GEN, (10) Qualification viz. name of Institute and University, Examination passed, Year of passing, percentage of marks and duration of courses, (11) Signature and date. The envelope should be superscribed in the top left corner with the Post Code applied for.
How to Apply : The application accompanied by photocopies of certificates in support of qualification, age, caste, etc. should be sent by ordinary post only to HEAD – PERSONNEL, OIL INDIA LIMITED, DULIAJAN – 786602, ASSAM latest by 30/10/2007.
For more information, please view http://oilindia.nic.in/CIVIL_ET.pdf