Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16
Advt. No. 02/2007 (E-I)
Advertisement for Faculty Vacancy. Faculty positions are available at the levelo of Professor/ Assosciate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ in the following Departments/Centres/Schools :
- Applied Mechanics (Applied Research in Electronics)
- Bio-Chemical Engineering & Bio-Technology (Atmospheric Sciences)
- Chemical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)
- Chemistry (Energy Studies)
- Civil Engineering (Industrial Tribology Machine Dynamics & Maintenance Engg.)
- Computer Science & Engineering (Instrument Design & Development)
- Electrical Engineering (Polymer Science & Engineering)
- Humanities & Social Sciences (Rural Development and Technology)
- Management Studies (National Resource Centre for Value Education in Engineering)
- Mathematics (Bharti School of Tele-communication Technology & Management)
- Mechanical Engineering (Bharti School of Tele-communication Technology & Management)
- Physics (Amar Nath & Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology)
- Textile Technology (Amar Nath & Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology)
For details, visit IIT Delhi website at http://www.iitd.ernet.in/faculty-recruitment/Year2007/ , and write to Assistant Registrar (Estt-I), IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016 enclosing a self addressed envelope (26cm x 11cm) or send an e-mail to ar_e1@admin.iitd.ac.in. Last date of receipt of application is 12 Nov, 2007.