North Malabar Gramin Bank is one of the 105 Regional Rural Banks operating in the country established under Regional Rural Banks Act 1976. The ownership is vested with The Govt of India, Govt of Kerala and Syndicate Bank.
Applications are invited for appointment to the cadre of OFFICER SCALE-I in North Malabar Gramin Bank.
- Advertisement No: 1/PAIRD/REC-OFF/2006
- Last Date of Receipt of Application : 09/03/2007
- Date of Written Examination : 13/05/2007
- Number of Vacancies : 23 (SC:2, OBC:6,PWD:1)
- Educational Qualification :(a) Degree of recognised University in any discipline or its equivalent with 60% marks. Knowledge in English and proficiency in Malayalam is essential. (b) Candidates with higher qualifications in Computer/Accounting/Management will get preference.
- Age Limit :Between 20 years and 26 years (as on 01.01.2007)
- Fee : For SC/PWD candidates : Rs.50/-, For all others:Rs. 200/- . Fee must be paid only by means of Account Payee crossed Bank Pay Order/Bank Demand Draft issued by a Scheduled Bank payable at Kannur in favour of "NORTH MALABAR GRAMIN BANK - RECRUITMENT - OFFICER SCALE-I - 2007." Candidates should write his/her name and address on the reverse of the Demand Draft/Pay Order.
How to Apply: Applications duly filled in the prescribd format accompanied by prescribed fee and copies of attested certificates proving age, date of birth, caste/Community and Educational Qualification shall be sent by ordinary post on the following Address:
NMGB Recruitment Project - Officer Scale-I - 2007
Post Box No.9728,
MUMBAI 400 066.
The cover containing the application shall be superscribed "Application for the post of Officer Scale-I - NMG Bank - Recruitment 2007".
For all other details and application form format kindly visit Bank Wesbite.