Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068
IGNOU invites applications for the following posts for NCIDE on contract basis in the prescribed form from eligible candidates in prescribed format having the following qualifications.
- Consultants/ Associates (Documentation/ Information System) : 02 posts, Consolidated Salary : Rs.8000-10000/-, Qualification : M.Sc. in Information Science/ Computer Sciences/ Master in Library and Information Services (MLIS), Desirable : 1 years experience in using virtual database.
Application forms can be obtained from the Recruitment Cell, Block-7, Room No: 13, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110 068 on all working days between 10.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs and 14.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs in person, on production of a Demand Draft of Rs. 40/- for General and OBC category and Rs.20/- for persons belonging to the SC, ST and PH categories drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ payable at New Delhi. Application forms can also be obtained by post from the above address by sending a demand draft for the amount mentioned above and a self addressed envelope (stamped worth Rs.27/-, size 13 cms x 28 cms). The post applied for may be superscribed on the top of the envelope. The application form can also be downloaded from the University website. Downloaded application forms must be accompanied by a Demand Draft of Rs. 40/- or Rs.20/- (as the case may be).
The filled in application should reach to Director, NCIDE, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 within 15 days from the date of advertisement. (published on 01/08/07 so last date is 16/08/07)
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