Office of The Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade MarksBoudhik Sampada Bhavan, S.M.Road,
Antop Hill, Mumbai- 400037
Recruitment in Examiner of Patents and Designs
Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma in a duplicate for selection of 8 posts of Examiner of Patents and Designs in the Pay Scale of Rs. 8000-275-13500 (Group "A" Gazetted). Out of the 8 vacant posts 1 vacancy is in Mechanical, 1 in Computer Science, 3 in Electronics & Telecommunication and 3 in Chemistry disciplines.
Qualification : Master's Degree in Chemistry or Degree of Technology/Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication, Computer Science and Mechanical from a recognized University or equivalent.
Age : 35 years as on closing date.
How to Apply : Interested and eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed format in duplicate duly signed by the applicant along with attested copies of all supporting documents, with two recent passport size photographs duly signed (on the front) by the candidate and pasted on the application form as superscribed on the envelope "Application for the post of Examiner of Patents and Designs" and addressed to – Head of Office, Office of the Controll Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, S.M.Road, Antop Hill, Mumbai – 400 037 so as to reach within one month from the date of this advertisement i.e. upto 31/12/2007. Applications should also be sent through e-mail in the the prescribed format to positively.
Further details and application format is available at and previous years papers available at