(A Govt of India Undertaking)
BEML Soudha, SR Nagar, Bangalore-560027
Advertisement No.:KP/S/24/2007
Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) is a premier ISO 9001-2000 Company in India and the second largest manufacturer of earthmoving equipment in Asia. BEML is looking for high performing, dynamic & achievement oriented professionals for Production (Assembly).
- Walk-in-Interview for the positions of Sr. Manager / Manager/ Asst. Manager with 6-12 years exeperience in Production on 27th December btween 9.00 am to 1.00 pm at BEML Soudha, Sampangiramanagar, Bangaloe-560027
- The maximum age is 40 years
- Qualification : Candidate(s) should possess I Class Degree / Master Degree in Mechanical / Automobile/ Production Engineering from a recognized University / Institution with good academic track record. Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in the related field or MBA is desirable.
For further details and application form, kindly visit http://beml.recruitersfirst.com/BEML%20AD%20PROD.ASPX
(There is a mismatch between Print Advertisement and Website advertisement, Print version says that the Interview will be held on 20th December, 2007 and for details want to see the website, but on the website interview date is given 27th Dec,2007)