(A Government of India Undertaking)
Head Office: 7,Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
Website: www.pnbindia.com
Punjab National Bank (PNB), a leading public sector bank invites application from Indian citizens for the following posts :
- Corporate Communicator (DGM) (TEG VI) : 01 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.26620-29340/-, Age : 45 years
- Company Secretary (SMG V) : 01 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.24140-26620/-, Age : 35 years
- Chief Manager (Corporate Communication) (SMG IV) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.20480-24140/-, Age : 40 years
- Senior Manager (Corporate Communication) (MMG III) : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.18240-22280/-, Age : 35 years
- Librarian (MMG II) : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920/-, Age : 32 years
- Clerks : 127 posts in various states, Pay Scale : Rs.4410-13210/-, Age : 2-25 years
Relaxation in Age : SC/ST- 5 years, OBC-3 years, Kashmir migrant -5 years, PH - 10 years and officers from rural bank-5 years.
How To Apply: Apply Online. Application registration on PNB website will be open up to 02/03/2009. Take a printout and send it to following address for all posts except for clerks on or before 19/03/2009:
The Dy. General Manager, Punjab national Bank, HRD Division, Head Office, 7, Bhikaji Kama Place, New Delhi-110066
The detailed information, Fee cash voucher and a link for Online submission of application is available at is available at http://www.pnbindia.com/english_web/advt_310109.html
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