Recruitment of Hindi Translator (Civilian), Head Constable (Store clerk), Constable (Bugler), Constable (Brass Band), Constable (Pipe Band), Constable (Mounted) and Constrable (Driver) in in Delhi Police - 2009
Applications from Indian nationals are invited to fill up following vacancies in the following category :
- Hindi Translator (Civilian) : 01 post, Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay Rs.2800
- Head Constable (Store Clerk) : 07 posts (UR-6, OBC-1), Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay Rs.2400
- Constable (Bugler) : 13 posts (UR-8, SC-2,OBC-3), Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000
- Constable (Brass Band) : 13 posts (ST-3, OBC-10), Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000
- Constable (Pipe Band) : 01 post (OBC-1), Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000
- Constable (Mounted) : 13 posts (SC-2,OBC-11), Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000
- Constable (Driver) : 676 posts (UR-378, SC-149, ST-45, OBC-104), Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay Rs.2000
Application Form : Detailed information and Application form can be obtained in person from 02/03/2009 to 19/03/2009 between 10 am to 4 pm at Prov. & Logistics, Old Police Lines (Near Tis Hazari Courts), Rajpur Road, Delhi against a fee of Rs.100 in the form of DD/ Banker's cheque in favour of "DCP/ Prov. & Logistics, Delhi" (free for SC/ST and Ex.SM candidate).
How to Submit : Duly filled application form will be deposited at Prov. & Logistics, Old Police Lines (Near Tis Hazari Courts), Rajpur Road, Delhi from upto 20/03/2009.
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