(A unit of Dept. of Space, Govt. of India)
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India
Advt. no. 04/2009
Physical Research Laboratory, a premier Scientific and Research Institute under department of Space, Government of India, desires to engage Library Trainees :
- Library Trainees : 04 posts (Ahmedabad-3, Udaipur-1), Stipend : Rs.5000/- per month, Age : 26 years, Qualification : Masters degree in Library and Information
Sciences (above 55% marks). Certificate/Diploma in Computer Applications
desirable. Candidates appearing for final year exams may also apply.
How to Apply : Apply Online at http://www.prl.res.in/~recruit/libtr/advt.php, the detailed information is also available here. The Candidates should register their application on-line upto 11/04/2009. Upon registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference.
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