Vaddem, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa-403802
Advertisement No. 3/2009
Goa Shipyard Limited, a Public Sector Company under the Ministry of Defense, is presently engaged in the activities of designing and building special purpose modern sophisticated ships for the Navy ,Coast Guard, Commercial and Export segment. The Company is looking for the following personnel.:
- Chief Manager (Co-ordination & Development) – Delhi Office : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16000-400-20800/-, Age : 45 yrs.
- Senior Engg (Civil)/ Assistant Manager (Civil)/ Deputy Manager (Civil) (On Fixed term basis for 02 years) : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 8600-250-14600, Rs. 10750-300-16750, Rs. 13000-350-18250, Age : 30/33/36 yrs.
How to Apply : Typed application, giving full particulars strictly as per the format prescribed with a recent passport size photograph pasted on the top right corner of the application along with the copies of all testimonials and also by superscribing the post applied for on the envelope should be sent to: “The General Manager (Pers. & Admn.), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Bhavan, Goa Shipyard Limited, Vaddem, Vasco-Da-Gama, Goa-403802” so as to reach on or before 10/05/2009.
Please visit for details and Application form.
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