Department of Space
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC)
Old Airport Road, Vimanapura Post, Bangalore - 560017
Advertisement No. ISAC/03/2009
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) is one of the major research and development centres of Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) responsible for development of satellite technology. Over years, ISAC has planned and executed several satellite missions of ISRO. ISAC, ISRO invites applications for the following posts :
- Scientist Engineer SC (Physics/ Applied Physics) : 13 posts, Qualification: First class M.Sc. Degree in Physics, Applied Physics, Atmospheric Science, Space Science, Space Science, Astrophysics with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks (ii) Good knowledge and experience in Programming Languages (iii) Interest in analytical problem solving, Pay Band : Rs.15600-39100 + Rs.5400 Grade Pay
- Scientist Engineer SC (Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics) : 11 posts, Qualification: First class M.Sc. Degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Statistics with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks (ii) Good knowledge and experience in Programming Languages (iii) Good knowledge in Differential Equations, numerical Analysis, Statistics and Mechanics with interest in analytical problem solving, Pay Band : Rs.15600-39100 + Rs.5400 Grade Pay
- JRF : 01 post, M.Sc. (Electron-Chemistry) in First Class with 65% marks or above, Fellowhsip Rs.12000 for first year, Rs.14000 for second year onwards + 30%HRA
Age Limit: 35 years as on 07/09/2009 (40 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 38 years for OBC candidates) Ex-serviceman and Persons with Disabilities(PWD) are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders.
How to apply : Candidate may visit the ISAC website to register their application online. Application will received online only. The candidate should register their applications on-line between 17/08/2009 and 07/09/2009.
Please visit for details and Online submission of application.
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