PO. ECIL, Hyderabad - 500062, AP, India
ECIL a professionally managed Electronics & IT Giant with several Firsts and Awards engaged inter-alia in Automation; Controls, Communications, IT including Computer Education, Special Products, Instrumentation etc., with major emphasis on Defence & Nuclear areas is looking for dynamic and result-oriented persons :
- Additional General Manager (Personnel & HR) : 01 post
- Company Secretary : 01 post
- Dy. General Manager (HR) : 01 post (OBC)
- Safety Engineer : 01 post (OBC)
- Assistant Secretary : 01 post (ST)
- Accounts Officer : 13 posts (UR-5, OBC-3, PH-1, SC-2, ST-1)
For complete detail like Age, Pay Scale, Qualification, reservation and Application Form format etc. kindly visit http://www.ecil.co.in/
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