Priyadarshini Hills, P.O., Kottayam – 686560
Advertisement No. : Ad.A.II/1/550/2009
Faculty Recruitment – Professor, Reader & Lecturer
- Category A: Professor Rs.16400-22400;
- Category B: Reader Rs.12000 – 18300;
- Category C: Lecturer Rs.8000 – 13,500.
- Professor : 05 posts
- Reader : 05 posts
- Lecturer : 12 posts
Qualifications and Experience: As prescribed by the UGC and Mahatma Gandhi University Regulations.
Age as on 1/1/2007 : Professor : Not more than 50 years, Reader : Not more than 45 years, Lecturer : Not more than 40 years.
Fee : Professor: Rs. 1,000/-, Reader : Rs. 750/-, Lecturer: Rs. 300/-, in the form of Demand drafts drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Mahatma Gandhi University payable at the State Bank of Travancore, M.G University Campus Branch-669, Kottayam (Dist).
How to Apply : Duly filled in applications (6 copies) along with registration fees, copies of the documents to prove age, community, qualifications, experience, etc., should reach the Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadarshini Hills P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin Code - 686560 on or before 30/09/2009.
For more information kindly visit and Application From is available at
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