Navsari-396450 (Gujarat)
Advertisement : 1/2009
Applications are invited for the following positions :
- Director of Extenstion Education : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-22400
- Registrar : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs/12000-16500
- Professor (Rs.16400-22400) : 12 posts [Veterinary -8 (UR-5, ST-1, SEBC-2), Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Forestry -4 (UR-1, SC-1, ST-1, SEBC-1)
- Associate Professor (Rs.12000-18300) : 32 posts (Veterinary-13 (UR-9, ST-1, SEBC-3), Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Forestry-17 (UR-10, SC-1, ST-2, SEBC-4), Agribusiness Management - 1 (UR), Agriculture Engineering -1 (UR))
- Assistant Professor (Rs.8000-13500) : 55 posts [Veterinary - 22 (UR-9, SC-2, ST-5, SEBC-6), Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Forestry - 28 (UR-17, SC-3, ST-1, SEBC-7), Agriculture Management -2 (UR-1, SEBC-1), Agricultural Engineering -3 (UR-2, SEBC-1)
NET will be comulsary as per ICAR/ Government of Gujarat directives. The reservation for SC/ST/OBC will be as per Government Rules.
The Application Forms, Recruitment Rules and Instructions to fill up the form can be obtained from office on payment of Rs. 500/- (No fee for reserved category) by cash / DD / IPO in favour of "Navsari Agricultural University Fund Account" or downloaded from Web site.
How to Apply : The filled in application form should be sent to the Registrar, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat on or before 25/11/2009.
Please visit for Vacancy information and Application Form.
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