Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand)
Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the Indian Nationals for the following Gr. A posts :
- Chief Medical Officer : 01 post
- Principal Scientific Officer : 01 post on contract
- Senior System Programmer (Manager) : 01 post
- Asstt. Registrar (Administration) and Asstt. Registrar (Accounts/Audit) : 02 posts
- Medical Officer (Physician) : 02 posts
- Medical Officer : 02 posts on contract
- Superintendent Workshop : 02 posts
- Assistant Superintendent Workshop : 02 posts
The details about the qualifications and Experience and the requirements in terms of various areas of specialisation etc. for the various posts can be seen at
The last date for receipt of completed application forms is 09/11/2009.
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)