Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India)
Advertisement for recruitment of HeadConstable (Combatised Ministerial) in ITBP
Applications are invited for filling up the following Group ‘C’ posts in ITB Police from Indian citizens. Last date for receipt of applications is 02/12/2009 for all States and for candidates from far-flung areas the last date is 09/12/20009.
- Head Constable (Combatised Ministerial ) : 81 posts (UR-2, SC-33, ST-14, OBC-32), Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400, Age : Between 20 to 25 years, Qualification : (i) Senior Secondary Certificate (10+2) from a recognized Board or equivalent. Preference will be given to candidates possessing Higher educational qualifications. (ii) Typing Speed 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi.
Fee : Application Fee will be Rs. 50/- for candidates belonging to General and OBC category only and no fee will be charged from SC/ST and Ex-Servicemen. The candidates would attach the Indian Postal Order or Crossed Bank Draft drawn in the name of Inspector General, Special Frontier, ITBP, New Delhi.
How to Apply : Eligible and interested candidates should send their Applications complete in all respects in the prescribed Proforma along with application fee, attested copies of the testimonials to the authority mentioned above on or before the prescribed last date. Two self addressed envelopes 4”X9” size with Rs.5/- postage stamps affixed thereon should also be attached with the application form. The application should be forwarded to the Inspector General, Special Frontier, ITBP, West Block, Wing-2, Sector-1, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066 so as to reach on or before 02/12/2009.
For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Application Form, please view
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