Job vacancy in GNLU Nov09

gnlu Gujarat National Law University (GNLU)
Gandhinagar – Gujarat

Applications are invited for the following posts of :

  1. Professor in Law
  2. Assistant Professors  (Senior Scale/Selection Grade) in Law,  Science and Technology, Commerce and Management, Political Science, Social Science, Economics
  3. Head of Examinations (Asst. Controller of Examinations) and Program Development
  4. Rector-Hostel Administration (Male)
  5. Placement Officer (Internship and Recruitment)
  6. University Librarian
  7. GNLU Campus Site and Maintenance Engineer (Male)
  8. Girls & Boys Hostel Warden

Compensation and eligibility conditions as per UGC norms. The last date for receipt of Applications is 18/11/2009

 How to Apply : Applications to be Sent to Registrar, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Old NIFT Building, E-4 GIDC , Electronics Estate, Sector-26, Gandhinagar - 382028, Gujarat, India on or before 18/11/2009.

For further details, please visit

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