Advertisement No. 9/2010
The following posts of & Assistant Professors, as mentioned against each Departments, are to be filled in through Walk-in-Interview, purely on temporary basis for the Academic Session 2010-11 or till the regular posts are filled in through proper selection, whichever is earlier.
- Mechanical Engg-4, computer Science & Engg-2, Electrical & Electronics engg-2, Electrical Engg-2, Law -5, Economics to be interviewed on 21/07/2010 at 9.00 am
- Zoology-6, Disaster Mgt. & Security-2, Disability Studies-2, Tourism Management -1, Stem Cell & Tissue Cell Engg.-2 to be interviewd on 22/07/2010 from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm depending upon the subject (pl. see detaild advt.)
Published by Manisha for
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