Regional Office - UP, Panchdeep Bhawan, Sarvodaya Nagar Kanpur-208005
Recruitment of Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
Applications in the prescribed format to fill up the following posts Lower Divisions Clerk (LDC) in ESIC UP :
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC) : 12 posts (UR-19, SC-2, OBC-1), Pay Band : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.1900/-, Age : 18-27 years as on 20/09/10. Relaxation in age as per rules.
Fee: A DD for Rs.150/- (Rs.25/- for SC/ST/PH/Ex.SM/Women) in drawn on SBI in favour of Regional Director, ESIC Corporation, Kanpur payable at Kanpur.
How to apply: - The duly filled in application in prescribed format should be sent in a envelope superscribed "Application for the post of L.D.C.- 2010" by Registered post/ Speed Post only at the following address:-
Regional Director, Regional Office, E.S.I. Corporation, Panchdeep Bhawan, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur-208005
Last date of receipt of application form : 20/09/2010
Please view for details and application format.
Published by Manisha for
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