(A Government of Indian Undertaking)
Head Office, Harsha Bhawan, E-Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi – 110001
Oriental Bank of India (OBC), a leading public sector bank invites Online applications from Indian citizens for 322 posts of Probationary Officers.
- Probationary Officers (JMGS-I) : 322 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 21-30 years, Qualification : Minimum 60% marks for Science graduates (55 % for SC/ST/PWD) & 55% for graduates in other streams (50% for SC/ST/PWD) in aggregate. Candidates with additional qualifications as MBA, CA, CFA , MCA etc. shall be preferred.
The basic knowledge in operating computer systems in Windows mode, knowledge of MS-Word/Office, Spread Sheets like MS-Excel and Internet & Email familiarity is an essential qualification.
Selection Procedure: The selection will be on the basis of written test and interview. All eligible candidates will be calledfor a written examination which will be both Objective and Descriptive in nature.
How To Apply: Apply online. Online application will be open from 11/10/2010 to 10/11/2010 at OBC's website only.
Please visit https://www.obcindia.co.in/obcnew/site/RecruitmentAndResult.aspx for details from 11/10/2010 onwards for all the details.
Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com
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