Air India Air Transport Services Ltd. (AIATSL) invites applications from Indian nationals who meet with the requirements specified herein, for engagement at various stations, for ground duties at Airport / City Offices, on a fixed-term Contract, for a period of three years, for the following positions as indicated below (number of positions indicated in brackets), and to maintain a waitlist for the same. The Contract will be extended, subject to performance of the Candidates.
Security Agent : (ST-17, OBC- 69,GEN-78) Total vacancies : 164
A) Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years duration) from a recognized University.OR B) Ex-Servicemen who have acquired the equivalent Graduation Qualification in the Armed Forces and have a service record of minimum 15 years in the Armed Forces, not below the rank of Junior Commissioned Officer or its equivalent in the other wings of services, who have been discharged from service during the preceding two years, OR C) 5 years in the Armed Forces, not below the rank of Captain or its equivalent in the other wings of services, who have been discharged from service during the preceding two years.
A) Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years duration) from a recognized University.OR B) Ex-Servicemen who have acquired the equivalent Graduation Qualification in the Armed Forces and have a service record of minimum 15 years in the Armed Forces, not below the rank of Junior Commissioned Officer or its equivalent in the other wings of services, who have been discharged from service during the preceding two years, OR C) 5 years in the Armed Forces, not below the rank of Captain or its equivalent in the other wings of services, who have been discharged from service during the preceding two years.
Preferable : Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application. One year experience in the related area. Preference will be given to candidates holding NCC ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificate.
Emoluments : Rs. 8,000/- per moth (all inclusive)
Upper Age Limit: General-25 years OBC-28 years ST-30 years; as on 01 October 2006.
How to apply : Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on October 1, 2006, may apply in Hindi or English, at the address mentioned below, (k) in the specified format, along with Application Fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) by means of an A/c Payee Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Air Transport Services Ltd.” payable at Mumbai, which is not refundable. No fees to be paid by applicants belonging to SC/ST communities.
Applications complete in all respects, duly superscribed on the envelope, “Post applied for : ” be sent by post to the following address :
Air India Air Transport Services LimitedTriangular Plot Building, 2nd Floor,Ground Services Department Complex,Terminal II, Sahar,Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 099.
Air India Air Transport Services LimitedTriangular Plot Building, 2nd Floor,Ground Services Department Complex,Terminal II, Sahar,Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 099.
For complete advertisement and details like educational qualificiaiton, remuneration, age limit and application forms etc please visit the website