Accessories Division, Lucknow-226016
Requires following personnel for appointment to the following posts :
- Medical Supdt. / Sr. medical Officer (Radilology/ Radio Dignosis/ Sonology)
- Medical Supdt. / Sr. Medical Officer (Cardiology/ Medicine)
- Part-Time Doctors in the discipline of Gen. Duty Medical Officer (male & female), Radiologist, Cardiologist, Physician, Dermatologist, Paediatrician, Ophthalmologist and Clinical Psychologist for maximim 4 hours per day on all working days. Engagement is purely part-time basis.
- Radiographer/ Sonographer Trainee
- Engineer (customer services and MSD-PWD (VH))
- Asst. Engineer (Mechanical - PWD (OH) for Korwa Division)
- Asst. Finance Officer (PWD(HH))
PWD- Persons with disability, VH-Visualy Handicapped, HH-Hearing Handicapped, OH-Orthapaedically Handicapped
For further details regarding qualification, experience, General Conditions of appointment, Scale of pay and other allowances and mode of application, visit website The last for receipt of completed application is 31/03/2007.