Office of The Controller General Patents, Designs & Trade Marks
Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, S.M.Road, Antop Hill, Mumbai- 400037
Recruitment of Examiner of Trade Marks
Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma for 27 posts of for engament as Examiner of Trade Marks purely on contract basis on a consolidate pay package of Rs.11230/- per month. Application should also be sent through email in the prescribed format to Selected candidates liable to be posted at any Trade Marks Officers at Mumbai, Delhi, kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad as per exigencies of workload.
Selected candidates will be initially engaged for a period upto 28/02/2009. which may be extended subject to the suitability and availability of post. .
Qualification : Degree in law of recognised university or equivalent. Three years experience in legal affairs.
Age : 30 years as on 28/03/08. 5 years relaxation to SC/ST candidates.
How to Apply : Applicaiton should be sent to Shri S.M. Togrikar, Sr. Examinaer of Trade Marks and Head of Office, Office of CGPDTM, Intellectual Property Office, Boudhik Sampada Bhawan, Near Antop Hill Head Post Office, S.M. Road, Antop Hill, Mumbai-400037.
The envelope should be superscribed with the words "Application for the engagement as Examiner of Trade Marks on Contract basis".
Last date for receipt of Applications : 28/03/2008.
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