110th Technical Graduates Course (TGC) (January 2010)
Applications are invited from Engineering Graduates male Indian citizens for 110th Technical Graduates Course (TGC), Post Graduate (Non-Engineering) entry into Army Eduction Corps (AEC) in the Indian Army.
- 110th TGC : (a) Engineers : 59 posts (Civil-7, Electrical-4, Mechanical-7, Computer Science-5, Telecom-9, Electronics-06, IT-4, Architecture-2, Public Health Eng-3, Construction Engg-3, Industrial Engg & Management-5, Mining-4) (b) AEC - Post Graduates (Non-Engg) - English/ Economics/ Music (preferably Western Music) - 1)
- Qualification : TGC : A degree in Engineering or equivalent degree from a recognised univsersity, AEC - MA degree from a recognised university in 1st or IInd division in the concerned subjects
- Age : TGC : 20 to 27 years. Born between 02 January 1983 and and 01 January 1990, AEC - 23-27 years born between 02 January 1983 and not later than 01 Jan 1987.
- Physical Standard: min. height 157.5 cm , better eye 6/6 and worst eye 6/18
- Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.54oo plus Military Service Pay and other allowances (During the training, the candidates will get Rs.21000/- as Stipend0
How to Apply: Applicaiton Forms in accordance with the prescribed format, colour paper and xomplete in all respects with superscription on the envelope in red ink "110th TGC : ............. ENGINEERING " OR "110th TGC : AEC .......... (name of subject)" is to be sent to the following address to reach by 08/06/2009 [Last date is now extended upto 22/06/2009] by registered post/ speed post to Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), Adjutant General's Branch, Additional Directorate General of Recruiting, TGC ENTRY, AG's Branch, Army Hqrs, West Block-III, RK Puram, New Delhi - 110066.
Further detail regarding this entry scheme can be seen at http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in and http://indianarmy.nic.in/ . Scanned copy of detailed advertisement alongwith Applicaiton Form can be taken also donloading the file Army110TGC.pdf from the website http://sites.google.com/site/sarkari-naukri/, Also Indian Army has prepared a common application form which is available at http://indianarmy.nic.in/form.pdf
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