(Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited - JVVNL)
(A Rajasthan Government Undertaking)
Vidyut Bhavan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur-302005
Recruitment of Junior Engineer
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the following vacancies of Junior Engineer .
- Junior Engineer- I : 123 posts (Electrical-116, Civil-5, IT-2) , Qualification : Graduation with 60% or AMIE with 55% marks in aggregate in Electrical Engineering/ Civil Engineering or in IT . Relaxation in % as per rules., Age : 21 - 35 years as on 25/06/2009. Relaxation in age as per Govt. orders. , Pay : will on prabation for 2 years and get Rs.10000/- PM and after successfull completion, will be posted in regular pay scale Rs.9300-34800/- Grade Pay Rs.3200/-
Application Fee : DD/ Pay Order/ Bankers Check of Rs.1000/- (Rs.750/- for OBC and Rs.500/- for SC/ST/PH) in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash), JVVNL, Jaipur payable at Jaipur.
How to Apply : application in the prescribed format should reach Secretary (Administration), JVVNL, Vidyut Bhawan, Janpath, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur-302005 (Rajasthan) on or before 25/06/2009.
Please view http://www.jaipurdiscom.in/orders/personnel/jen_vac.pdf for detailed information and application format.
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