(Government of India Undertaking)
Central Foundry forge Plant (CFFP) Ranipur - Haridwar (Uttarakhand) 48129
Advt. No. 3/2009
Recruitment of 372 Skilled Artisans
BHEL, Haridwar, is looking for Artisans in the following trades:
- Skilled Artisans : 372 posts (Electrician - 49, Fitter- 105, Machinist - 122, Turner - 63, Welder -33) (UR-234, SC-68, ST-17, OBC-53), Qualification: 10th pass and ITI and National Apprenticeeship Certificate (NAC) with minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/ST, Age: 27 years, Pay Scale : Rs.4800-7805
How to Apply: Apply Online on or before 16/01/2010 and send registration slip with desired application fee on or before 23/01/2010 to :
Manager (HR), Room No. 29, Recruitment Section,
Main Admn. Buliding, HR Department, HEEP,
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Ranipur , Haridwar - 249403, (Uttarakhand)
Main Admn. Buliding, HR Department, HEEP,
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Ranipur , Haridwar - 249403, (Uttarakhand)
For further details and online submission of application, please visit http://www.careers.bhelhwr.co.in/artisan/atr_main_onlne_exam.html
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