(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Pilani (Rajasthan) - 333031
Advertisement No. 1/2010
Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI) is a premier research Institute in the field of Electronics, setup under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research(CSIR). The Institute is looking for qualified incumbats for purely temporary positions of Project Assistants in varipis Projects :
- Project Assistant Level-I : 06 posts (Microwave Tubes Area- 4, Electronic Systems Area -2, Semiconductor Devices Area - 1), Emoluments : Rs.7000/- pm fixed, Qualification : 1st Class 3/4 years Diploma in Engineering., Age : 28 years
- Project Assistant Level-II : 25 posts (Microwave Tubes Area- 5, Semoconductor Devices Area -11, Electronic Systems Area - 9), Emoluments : Rs.10000/- pm fixed, Qualification : 1st Class BE/B.Tech. or 1st Class M.Sc. in Electronics/Physics/IT., Age : 30 years
- Project Assistant Level-III : 20 posts (Microwave Tubes Area- 2, Semiconductor Devices Area - 18), Emoluments : Rs.12000/- pm fixed, Qualification : 1st Class ME/ M.Tech., Age : 30 years.
Walk-In-Interview : Eligible candidates may walk-in for the above posts in the Conference Room of CEERI with application on plain paper giving the information as in prescribed format alongwith original documents and attested copies of all certificats and testimonials on the following dates :
- 22/01/2010 at 9.00 am for candidates having M.Tech./ M.E. or equivalent and candidates holding 1st class Diploma/ B.Sc. equivalent qualification
- 23/01/2010 at 9.00 am for candidates having BE/ B.Tech./ M.Sc./ MCA with 70% marks or more
- 24/01/2010 at 9.00 am for candidates having BE/ B.Tech./ M.Sc./ MCA with marks 60% and 70%
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