(A Group Company of IndianOil)
Manali, Chennai-600068.
CPCL invites applications from bright, young and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for the following Non-supervisory positions.
- Refinery Operator: 30 posts (UR-19,OBC-6, SC-6, ST-1), Qualification : Engg. / Technology.
(OR) First Class Degree in B.Sc. with Chemistry as a major subject. A pass will be adequate for SC/ ST candidates. 2 years experience required. Age : Maximum 30 years as on 28/02/2010. Relaxation as per rules.
Application Fee : A crossed Demand Draft for Rs.200/- as application fee in favour of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, payable at Chennai. SC/ST/Physically Challenged candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
How to Apply : Apply Online. Online submission of applications will be kept open from upto 06/03/2010. After registering online, send the registration slip (pasted with your recent passport size photograph and DD / attested copy of Caste / Disability certificate) in an envelope superscribed as “Application for the post of Workman”, through ordinary post to “Advertiser (CPCL), Post Bag No. 9248, Krishna Nagar Head Post Office, New Delhi – 110051.” so as to reach latest by 10/03/2010.
Kindly visit http://www.emodeapply.com/cpcl/ for detailed information and apply online.(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)