(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR)
Bhubaneswar -751013 – (Orissa)
IMMT is in the look out for energetic & enthusiastic scientists having aptitude, imagination & innovation and interested to take up challenging tasks. Applications are invited from Indian nationals for recruitment for following posts :
- Scientist Gr.IV(1) : 05 posts, Age :35 years, Qualification : 1st class BE/ B.Tech./ M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech./ Ph.D. in areas of Metallurgical Science/ Chemical/ Chemistry
- Scientist Gr.IV(2) : 03 posts, Age :35 years, Qualification : 1st class BE/ B.Tech./ M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech./ Ph.D. in areas of Metallurgical Science/ Chemical/ Chemistry
- Technical Gr.III(1) / Gr.III (2)/ Gr.III (4)/ Gr.III(6) : 06 posts, Qualification : B.Sc./ M.Sc. in Geology/ Physics/ Life Sciences/ Oceanography/ Chemistry.
- Technical Gr.II(1) : 03 posts, Qualification : ITI trade Certificate in related trades etc. with relevant experience of required number of years. Turner, Fitter, etc., Age : 28 years
How to Apply : Application in prescribed format to reach on or before 31/03/2010 to The Section Officer-E-I, Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology (Formerly: Regional Research Laboratory), Bhubaneswar, Orissa -751013 in a cover superscribed "Application for the post of __, Post Code No.___, Advt. No.___ ".
For more information and application form, please view http://www.immt.res.in
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