Estern Zonal Office, Kolkata
Recruitment of Financial Service Executives (FSE)
Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for 87 posts approx. of Financial Service Executives (FSE) in various Divisions of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata on 3 year contract :
- Financial Service Executives : 87 posts, Qualification : Graduate from a recognised University. Preference will be given to the candidates having Degree /Diploma in Marketing/Management. Good working knowledge of English and one Regional Language is desirable. Knowledge of Power Point/ Word / Excell will be added qualification, Age : 21-35 years as on 30/06/2010. Age relaxation as per rules.
Applicaiton Fee : A crosed Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of LIC of India, Kolkata. No fee from SC/ST candidates.
How to Apply : Complete application in the prescribed format together with the enclosures should reach to The Senior Divisional Manager of the respective Divisional office of the Zone latest by 23/06/2010. (for candidates of far-flung areas the last date is 30/06/2010)
Please view document for detailed information and application format.
Please view document for detailed information and application format.
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