(Fully owned by Govt. of India and Reserve Bank of India)
Advt. No. 1/2010-11
Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the following posts in the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS), and others in NABARD at its Head Office/ Regional Units.
- Assistant Manager Grade 'A'/'B' : 170 posts (RDBS-150, Rajbhasha Service (Hindi) -5, Protocol and Security Service-9, Legal Service -6 - The posts are Grade-B) (UR-87, SC-25,ST-13, OBC-45), Pay Scale : Rs.11250-22500/-, Qualification : Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree or equivalent qualification in any subject from any recognised university with a minimum of 55% (50% for SC/ST candidates) marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade. (Specialised qualifications are required for specialists cadre - see detailed advt.) , Age : 21-28 years for candidates with Graduation and 21-30 for candidates with post graduation, 25-40 years for Protocol and Security, 24-34 years for Legal Services.
Fee : Rs. 350/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) by format of Challan to be deposited in any branch of SBI.
How to Apply : Apply Online. The candidates can apply on NABARD website between 14/06/2010 and 12/07/2010.
For further information and online submission of application, please visit http://www.nabard.org/applicationForAssistantManagersPosts.asp
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