(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
3, Middleton Street, P.O. Box. No.9229, Kolkata-700071
Recruitment of Administrative Officer
Applications are invited for the following 300 posts of Administrative Officer (Scale-I) :
- Administrative Officer (Specialist) : 80 posts (Automobile Engineering - 30, Legal -30, Medical - 20) (UR-49, SC-9, ST-4, OBC-19) (PWD-3)
- Administrative Officer (Generalist) : 220 posts (UR-109, SC-35, ST-15, OBC-61) (PWD-6)
Age : 21-30 years. Relaxation as per rules., Pay Scale : Rs.17240-32640 in Scale-I.
Selection by competitive exam on 30/01/2011 and interview for selected candidates.
Application Fee : Rs.400/- (Rs.200/- for Female) (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD) in the form of Bank DD in favour of the ‘NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED’ payable at Kolkata.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format duly completed in all respect together with the required enclosures should reach: Post Box No. 9418, Park Street Post Office, Kolkata - 700016 on or before 17/12/2010. Superscribe at left hand upper corner of the envelope ‘NIC – AO, Scale-I (indicate the Group in which you will compete) and SC/ST/OBC/ECO or SSRCO/PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED (whichever applicable)’.
You can apply Online aslo at National Insurance website also.
Please visit http://www.nationalinsuranceindia.com/ for details and application format.
Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com
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