(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research -CSIR)
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg (Near Pusa), New Delhi - 110012
Advertisement No. 08/2010
Floating Walk-in-Interview on 25/11/2010
NPL requires desires to have qualified incumbents for purely temporary and contractual positions of “Research Associate, Junior Research Fellow and Project Assistants” under the various ongoing externally funded & time targeted sponsored projects and Research Interns under “CSIR Diamond Jubilee Research Intern Award Scheme” :
- Research Assoiciate : 01 post, Emoluments : Rs.16000/- plus HRA
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF) : 01 post, Emoluments : Rs.12000/- plus HRA
- Research Intern : 07 posts, Emoluments (Fixed): Rs.11500/-
- Project Assistant Level-II : 09 posts , Emoluments (Fixed): Rs. 12000/-
Walk-In-Interview : Eligible candidates may appear together with downloaded application form duly filledup, for “Floating (Walkin) Interview” on the date mentioned above between 08.00AM to 09.30AM in the Auditorium of the laboratory, with complete application (Biodata) on plain paper giving the full details inclusive of marks starting from secondary examination onwards along with latest passport size photograph, original and attested copies of all certificates/testimonials. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH, should bring copies of certificates in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued from time to time on the subject.
Please view http://www.nplindia.org/sites/default/files/advt-walkin_04112010.pdf for details and Application format is available at http://www.nplindia.org/sites/default/files/applicationformwi041110.pdfPublished by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com
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