Faculty Recruitment in Central Institute of Psychiatry

Government of India
Directorate General of Health Services
Central Institute of Psychiatry
Kanke, Ranchi-834006, Jharkhand

Applicaitons are invited from Indian nationals in the prescribed proforma for the post of Assistant Professors in the in the Teaching sub-cadre of CHS in CIP, Ranchi, Jharkhand in the following diciplines to be filled up on the contract basis for a period of one year. The last date of receipt of application is four weeks from the date of publication of this advertisement. (published on 23/06/2007)
  • Asst. Professor (Neurology) : 01 post, Qualification : D.M. (Neurology) or Speciality Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (USA)
  • Asst. professor (Radio-Diagnosis) : 01 post, Qualification : M.D.(Radio-Diagnosis) DMRD or equivalent diploma of two years duration
  • Asst. professor (Anesthesiology) : 01 post, Qualification : M.D.(Anesthesiology) D.A. (Two years course) FFARCS (by examination) Speciality Board of Anesthesia (USA)
  • Asst. professor (Psychiatry) : 03 posts, Qualification : M.D. (Psychiatry) M.D. (Psychological Medicine) Speciality Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (USA), DPM of 2 years course. Diploma in Psychitary (McGill) University, Montreal, Canada of two years course

Age Limit : Not execeeding 45 years in accordance with instructions issued by the Central Govt. and relaxable to SC/ST 5 years and to OBC 3 years.

At least 3 years teaching experience in the concerned speciality as Lecturer/ Tutor/ Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Senior Resident after the requisite Post-Graduate degree qualification.

Contractual Amount : Rs. 26000/- per month

The appointment to the posts will be on contractual basis for a period of one year subject to the condition that no further extension will be given under any circumstances

The envelope containing the application form should be superscribed "APPLIICATION FOR THE POST OF ....................." and should be sent to the Director, CIP, Ranchi-834006, Jharkhand on or before closing date.

Application Format :

  1. Name of the candidate (in Block letters) ....................................
  2. name of Father/Husband ..........................................................Affix your
  3. Nationality ............................................................................... Passport
  4. Date of Birth ..............................................................................Size
  5. Age as one 01/03/2007 .......................................................... .Photograph
  6. Educational Qualification (Table containing Name of School/ Board/ University, Examination Passed, Year of Passing)
  7. Experience/ Brief Record of service (Table containing Appointment held & scale of pay, Dept./office and Place of posting, Priod (from, to))
  8. Details of research publication (attach a list of research papers, chapters in book, copies of reprint)
  9. Permanent Address .................................................................
  10. Address for communication (along with phone, email, Fax)
  11. Declaration : I hereby declare that all the statement made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false/incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after interview or selection my candidature/appointment is liable to be rejected/terminate.
  12. Place.................
  13. Date..................
  14. Enclosures ................................................. Signature of Applicant

Visit website http://www.cipranchi.nic.in/ for more information