Recruitment in National Law School of India

Nagarbhavi, Bangalore-560072

NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL OF INDIA UNIVERISTY, (NLSIU), Bangalore, is inviting applications for various positions to its newly established University Grants Commission (UGC) sponsored academic Centre, Centre for the Study of Law and Social Exclusion (LSE).

NLSIU will require competencies drawn from various disciplines of social sciences and law specialized in areas such as caste, ethnicity and religion and gender dimensions :

The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) is seeking applications for the following positions initially for a period of five years, but likely to be renewed:
  1. Professor-cum-Director : Rs.16400-22400
  2. Reader-cum-Deputy Director : Rs.12000-18300
  3. Lecturer-cum-Assistant Director : Rs.8000-13500
  4. Research Associate : Rs.12000 plus HRA
  5. Research Assistant : Rs.5500-9000
  6. Professional Assistant : Rs.5500-9000
  7. Data Entry Operator : Rs. 4000-6000
  8. Library Attendant : Rs. 2650-4000
  9. Attendant : Rs. 2650-4000

Minimum qualification for Faculty : The candidates with Ph.D. degree or candidates who are close to finishing/submitting their doctoral dissertations will be preferred. The NLSIU will give preference to candidates with a good record of publications or those who have the potential for scholarly publication. Candidates who are willing to take deputation for a minimum of two years from reputed universities/research institutes/government departments/national-international organizations will also be considered.

The completed applicaitons together with copies of certificates and the required enclosures, should reach the Registrar, National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore-560072 on or before 15/07/2007.

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