Faculty Recruitment in Pondicherry University

(A Central University)
Dr. Venkatraman Nagar, Kalapet,
Pondicherry - 605014

Pondicherry University, a Central University, is seeking highly qualified, dedicated and academically productive faculty members who have strong commitment to innovative teaching and high quality research in the following subjects/disciplines. The applicants must have either already excelled or have potential to excel in teaching and research in their respective subject areas:

  • PROFESSORS : 7 posts (Bio-Technology-1, Coastal Disaster Management -1, Physics -1, Management Studies - 1, Computer Science -1, Kamban Chair -1, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Chair -1)
  • READERS ON REGULAR BASIS : 8 posts (Bio-Technology-1, Coastal Disaster Management -1, Tourism Studies -1, Economics -1, Physical Education & Sports - 1, Politics & International Studies - 1, Bio-Informatics - 1, Statistics - 1)
  • READERS (CONTRACT) : 6 posts (French - 1, Computer Science - 1, International Business - 2, Politics & International Studies -1, Management Studies - 1)
  • LECTURER ON REGULAR BASIS : 12 posts (Ocean Studies & Marine Biology-2, Coastal Disaster Management -2, Mathematics -1, French-1, History -1, Hindi -1, Bio-Chemistry & Molecular Biology -1, Bio-Informatics -2, English -1)
  • LECTURER(CONTRACT) : 2 posts (Economics -1, Banking Technology -1)

Scale of Pay : Professor : Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400, Reader: Rs.12000-420-18300, Lecturer: Rs. 8000-275-13500

Fee : Bank draft of Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of the Finance Officer (UDF), Pondicherry University payable at Puducherry. are to be sent to the The Registrar Pondicherry University, R.V. Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry – 605 014. The SC/ST and Physically handicapped candidates are to enclose Rs. 125/- only along with the application etc. towards the application fee.

How to Apply : Completed applications with all the required enclosures must reach The Deputy Registrar(Admn)Pondicherry UniversityR Venkataraman Nagar, KalapetPuducherry – 605 014, India.by 17:00 hrs on 11th July 2007.

Further information like educational qualification, age, emoluments, Application form, insructions to fill the form, annexueres and other important information etc. can be found at http://www.pondiuni.org/req080607.html