Vacancy Notification no. Adm/TW/2009/4440
Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following posts so as to reach the Registrar on or before 30/01/2010.
- Assistant Professor (Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000/-) : 28 posts in various subjects
Prescribed application forms and other details like required qualifications etc. can be obtained from Assistant Registrar (Forms and Stationery), University of Jammu, Jammu from 23rd December, 2009 personally on payment of Rs. 200/- or by sending crossed Indian Postal Order or Bank Draft worth Rs. 250/- (if required by post) drawn in favour of the Registrar, University of Jammu, Jammu-180006 encashable at Jammu Post Officel Bank as the case may be.
For further details like qualification, age, application forms etc please see the complete advertisement at
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)