(A Govt of India Undertaking)
No.59, Bellary Road, Bangalore - 560032
HMT Limited, a major high tech Engineering conglomerate offers challenging career opportunities to professionals. The company is looking for qualified and experienced professionals in the relevant fields as detailed here:
- Senior Engineer / Manager / Engineer / Deputy Manager/ Deputy Engineer : 63 posts (Mechanical-52, Electrical-2, Electronics-5, Metallurgy-2, Computer Science Engg.-2)
- Assistant General Manager (Finance)/ Manager (Accounts)/ Deputy Manager (Accounts) : 06 posts
- Assistant General Manager (HRM)/ Manager (HRM)/ Deputy Manager (HRM) : 06 posts
Application Fee : A DD for Rs.200/- drawn in favour of HMT Limited, on any Scheduled Bank payable at Bangalore. Candidates are advised to write their name and address on reverse side of DD. No fee is to be paid by SC/ST candidates and Persons with Disability (PWD).
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format duly filled, should be sent in sealed cover superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “……………………………” (as the case may be), so as to reach the following address on or before 26/12/2009 :
The General Manager (HR), HMT Limited, HMT Bhavan, No.59, Bellary Road, BANGALORE-560032.
For further details and application form, please visit http://www.hmtindia.com/html/frame.asp?page=careers.htm
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