(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Applications are invited for the following open vacancies :
- Junior Engineer Gr. II : 298 posts (Mechanical - 253 (UR-133,OBC-69,SC-32,ST-19), Electrical - 25 (UR-15, OBC-6, SC-3, ST-1), Control & Instrumentation - 20 (UR-11, OBC-5, SC-3, ST-1)), Age : 27 years, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4200.
How to Apply : Apply Online at DVC website from 00.00 hrs of 26/12/2009 to 24.00 hrs of 15/01/2010 only. Take a printout of the registration slip and send it with required documents and application fee on or before 22/01/2010.
Further information along with application form will be available at http://www.dvc.gov.in/ from 26/12/09 onwards.
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