(Tata Memorial Centre (TMC))
Parel, Mumbai – 410210
Advertisement No. 08/2009 (Corrigendum)
Number of posts for the Lower Division Clerk is increased :
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC) : 30 posts (UR-18, SC-5, ST-4, OBC-3) (3 posts for PH candidates, for details of vacancy for PH candidates, Please visit http://tmh.gov.in/work/work42.html)
How to Apply : Typewritten Application in the prescribed format only super scribing the post applied for on the cover along with a recent passport size photograph affixed on right hand top corner with attested copies of all certificates should be forwarded to the H.R.D. Officer, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai – 400012 so as to reach him on or before 31/07/2009.
Original advertisement no/ 8/2009 is available at http://tmh.gov.in/work/work16032009.htm(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)