Urja Bhawan, Kanwli Road, Dehradun-248001
UPCL, a Government of Uttaranchal undertaking is engaged in the business of distribution of electricity in the State of Uttarakhand.
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals or appointment to the following positions in UPCL :
- Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Electricl & Mech.) : 68 posts : Pay Scale : Rs. 8550-275-13500, Qualification : Degree in Electrical or Mechanical engineering from a recognised University/ institute or AMIE with 65% marks or more (pass for SC/ST candidates).
- Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Civil) : 08 posts : Pay Scale : Rs. 8550-275-13500, Qualification : Degree in Civil engineering from a recognised University/ institute or AMIE with 65% marks or more (pass for SC/ST candidates)..
- Junior Engineer (Trainee) (Electricl & Mech.) : 79 posts : Pay Scale : Rs. 5300-9100, Qualification : Diploma in Electrical, Electronics or Mechanical engineering from a recognised Polytechnic/ institute with 55% marks or more (pass for SC/ST candidates).
- Junior Engineer (Trainee) (Civil) : 14 posts : Pay Scale : Rs. 5300-275-9100, Qualification : Diploma in Civil engineering from a recognised Polytechnic/ institute with 55% marks or more (pass for SC/ST candidates).
For the post of Jr. Engineer (Trainee) registration in Uttarakhand Employment Exchanges is compulsary.
Age : all candidates should be within 18-35 years as on 01/01/2009. Relaxation in age as per rules.
Selection Procedure :
- For Assistant Engineer (Trainee) : Selection will be done on the basis of written test followed by interview.
- for Junior Engineer (Trainee) : Selection will be done on the basis of written test only.
Application Fee : A croseed Demand Deraft, of Rs. 400/- only in case of General /OBC candidates and Rs. 200/- in case of SC/ST candidates in favour of EE(HQ),UPCL payable at Dehradun from a scheduled bank.
How to Apply : Application in prescribed format should be filled and submitted by the candidates in own handwriting in Eglish CAPITAL LETTERS only on A4 size paper in the prescribed format and application completed in all respect should be sent in an envelope superscribed as "Application for the post of Assistant Engineer (E&M or Civil) / Junior Engineer (E&M or Civil) Trainee in UPCL" by ordinary post upto 26/03/2009 [ Now Extended upto 20/04/2009] [Again Extended up to 10/07/2009] at the address "The Advertiser, Post Bag No. 007, Srinivas Puri Post Office, New Delhi - 110065"
For further details and advertisement alongwith application format, please view http://www.upcl.org/pdf/recuritment-AE-Trainee-JE-Trainee-260209.pdf and corrgendum about eligibility and extension of last date is available at http://www.upcl.org/pdf/recuritment-Corrigendum-AE-Trainee-JE-Trainee-190309.pdf also again dat extension with some qualification changes also in the new corrigendum to be viewed at www.upcl.org
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