Established in 1969 by the Reserve Bank of India in consultation with the Government of India, National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM) is the apex institution for research, training and consultancy in banking and finance. NIBM invites applications for :
- Research Associates in Finance, Economics, Applied Economics, Emprical Finance, Money Banking and Finance, International Trade & Finance, Strategic Planning & Marketing, HRM, Agriculture & Rural Banking including Micro Finance
- Faculty Positions : The institute also invites applications for Faculty Positions at Professor/ Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/ Faculty Research Associates levels in corporate Finance, Marketing, Derivatices and Financial Engineering, International Banking & Forex Business
Pay Scales :
- Professor -Rs.18400-500-22400
- Associate Professor - Rs.16400-450-20000
- Assistant Professor - Rs.12000-420-18300
- Faculty Research Associate- Rs.10000-325-15200
Apply within 10 days to :
National Institute of Bank Management
NIBM Post Office, Kondhwe Khurd
Pune 411048
For more information, please visit
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