(Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India)
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
Recruitment to the post of Social Security Assistant and Junior Engineer (Civil) in EPFO
EPFO invites applications for the following posts :
- Social Security Assistant : 2382 posts, Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400, Age : 18-27 years, Qualification : Posses a Degree of a recognised University or equivalent (ii) Speed of atleast 5000 key per hour for Data Entry Work, Desirable: Should possess a Computer Training Certificate from a recognised
- Junior Engineer (Civil) : 11 posts, Pay Scale : PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200, Age : 18-27 years, Qualification : Diploma in Civil/ Electrical Engineering or equivalent, Desirable: Experience in Estimation, Drawing & Design will be preferred.
Last date for receipt of applications : 08/07/2009 [15/07/2009 for far flung area candidates]
Application Fee : Rs. 200/- for General and OBC candidates (Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) in the form of Demand Draft/ Banker's Cheques favouring Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Maharashtra payable at Mumbai.
How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format complete in all respect should be sent by ordinary post to the THE POST BOX NO 8463, MANDAPESHWAR, BORIVALI (WEST), MUMBAI - 400103 so as to reach on or before 08/07/2009.
For further information like statewise no. of posts, test centres, general instruction etc., please view http://www.epfindia.com/Circulars/ADVERTISEMENT.pdf and application form is available at http://www.epfindia.com/Circulars/Appln.pdf
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