Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation (RSWC)
(A Rajasthan Govt. Undertaking)
Bhawani Singh Road, Jaipur-302015, Rajasthan
Recruitment of Warehosue Managers
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of Warehouse Manager posts in the RSWC.
- Warehouse Manager : 65 posts, Pay Scale : PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200, Age : 21-35 years, Qualification : B.Sc. (Agriculture) with MBA/ PG Diploma in Management
Application Fee : DD/ Pay Orders of Rs.500/- (Rs.350/- for OBC and Rs.250/- for SC/ST/PH) in favour of Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation, Jaipur.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format duly filled alongwith required certificates and demand draft/pay order towards prescribed fee should reach the Office of the Managing Director, Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation, Bhawani Singh Road Jaipur – 302015, Rajasthan on or before 30/06/2009.
Please visit http://www.rajasthankrishi.gov.in/RSWHCAdvertisement.asp for more details and application format.
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