(A Subsidiary of Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. -ONGC)
Kuthethoor P.O., (Via) Katipalla, Mangalore – 575030
Advertisement No. 28/2009
Last date for receipt of application : 02/07/2009
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of ONGC, invites applications from the citizens of India for recruitment for the following :
- Dy. General Manager (HR) : 01 post
- Dy. General Manager/ Chief Manager (Shipping) : 01 post
- Dy. Manager (Law) : 01 post
- Jr. Officer (Hindi) (Non-Management Cadre) : 01 post
- Jr. Hindi Translator : 01 post
For more information and application format, kindly see http://www.mrpl.co.in/career/ADVT_28_WEB.pdf
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