(A Government of India Undertaking)
Kapas Bhavan, Plot No: 3/A, Sector 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400614
The Cotton Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) invites application from young professional in discipline of :
- Junior Cotton Purchaser : 102 posts (PH-8) (North Zone -35, Central Zone-32, South Zone -35), Pay Scale : Rs.10000-24460 (IDA), Age : 27 years as on 30/06/09, relaxation as per rules., Qualification : B.Sc. (Agriculture) degree
Application Fee : A Demand Draft of Rs.100/- in favour of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. (SC/ST/PH candidates need not send D.D.)
How to Apply : Eligible interested candidates may send their applications in the prescribed proforma to the following address on or before 31/08/09 :
Chief General Manager (HRD/ Mktg.), The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Kapas Bhavan, Plot No.3 A, Sector-10, C.B.D Belapur, Navi-Mumbai-400614 (M.S)
Please view http://www.cotcorp.gov.in/recruitment/ho290709.pdf for details and application form.
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